Tuesday, April 11, 2017

I have Moved

Dear Fellow Bloggers,

I have integrated the entire contents of this blog to my new website here. I will not be updating this Blog any longer. This is my first step to integrating my works strewn across multiple web assets and blogs.

I solicit your continued support.

Now@ http://www.worksofrk.com/

Thursday, March 30, 2017

A Strand of You

A Strand of You

I was on the table
When a strand of your hair came calling.
I could see you in the kitchen,
Your face at once a storm and a breeze.

I curled the single strand of loving you into imagined shapes
And spoke to it of fascinating tales.
And as it played on my fingers,
Twirling, and curling
I could hear the music from its silent songs.

I had half the heart to carry it with me home
And hide it in a book marked you.
It smelt like July Flowers.
It smelt so much of you.

First published in Indian Sahitya, Feb 2017 Issue on Contemporary Indian Poetry