Monday, January 17, 2011

The Rainbow Across The Bridge

Some day my songs will sing of you no more. Someday, silences will fall over silences; there will be no words no more. And when you pass this way you will find me painting in your colors no more. I know that one day I shall wake up and I would grieve your loss no more. I agree that I will never forget you but I pray for better things to remember.

Time would send me no answers, but I trust time to bring more important questions my way, someday.


  1. Beautiful, Rajeesh. Subtle and delicate. "...silence will fall over silences;"-a wonderful line.

  2. Another wonderful one Rajesh, I love "Some day my songs will sing of you no more."

  3. Really it so nice.....
    I like it very much. Thanks for sharing.
