Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mathura Wali

When the hymns are sung and Krishna comes to life, when the chants reach the skies and the incense smells divine, I ask HIM if HE knows how this story ends. Pat comes the reply with a smile, and then, silences fill-in where noises until now ruled.

Where one story ends, the other begins. Its a book that I could read for ever and forever will the pages run. I have seen the edge of the world, it is round. If I start tonight, I would simply come around. Caught among the strings of chapters intertwined, is one meandering life.


  1. This is such a beautiful piece of writing Rajesh! I really loved it. :-)

    Thanks for your visits to my blogs, it is always good to see you there.

    I hope all is well with you.

  2. Sometimes more is understood in the space of silence.
    You have written beautiful words and included a beautiful circling picture.
