Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Passing This Way!

I cannot stop my thoughts from thinking about you still. I cannot will away memories of time I spent with you, until there was no time left. Mercilessness and unforgiving though the time is, I believe someday it will bring us together again; someday it will be like our yesterdays again.

Someday when we walk into the evening sun, hand in hand, silent and swaying in the winds... I would take that leap of faith and kiss you. This time, I shall not wait for it to be dark again. Darkness lasts longer in this part of the world.

1 comment:

  1. "This time, I shall not wait for it to be dark again. Darkness lasts longer in this part of the world."

    ...I love that ending!

    Whoever it is that inspires this writing is very lucky indeed. :-)
