Sunday, November 6, 2011

Running on Empty

This life survives on Grace. All those little good things we have done evens out all the misdeeds we keep rolling out. Strong words that burnt, promises not kept, dates not honored, calls not made, birthday's forgotten, relationships lying in deep freeze and lousy Facebook updates, all these have used up all my grace. 

Smiles that are remembered, laughter that is shared, money that uplifts, and time well spent...I am running on empty, I need to get good things going on again.

1 comment:

  1. Rajesh, I especially like your choice of "Grace" as the concept that brings us back to where we ought to be, want to be. Do you know the American Shaker hymn, "Simple Gifts"? It's about grace and "turning until we turn 'round right." I like your BLOG and your thoughts very much. Many thanks.
