Saturday, January 12, 2013

Moved On

I chanced upon your linked in update,
It says you have moved on.
I know that you have left my town
A town for which you had mixed memories
Of love longing and pain.

You could have dropped a line
I know it is difficult for you
It would have been easier on me.

Yesterday on my way back home
I saw someone like you on the road
The winter fog seems to be playing games
For in the heart of winter chill
I felt the warmth of summer breeze.

You are my sunshine
You keep shining still :-)


  1. Awww... hopefully you'll be able to move on soon too :-)

  2. This poem does beautifully what poetry can do best. It transports me to where you are/were and makes me remember things I had forgotten. Thanks for this.
